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Friday, March 13, 2009



rainbow rush(:
Monday, March 09, 2009

up your arse.

thank you.for pretending all along.making me feel like a fool of a friend.perhaps im just too ignorant to pay any attention to you.what the fuck did i ever do to you?!better reflect on yourself my dear.better still,go get a gun and point it straight in between your pair of eyes.that could just be lovely.oh,too lovely.

now i give you crude.

rainbow rush(:
Sunday, March 08, 2009

what goes around comes around.

dragged myself out of bed with the rest still soundly asleep at 630 in the morning. who the hell even wakes up that early on a sunday morning?! missed breakfast with the fam and so head on to ACM for the event. turned out the morning crowd wasnt that bad, but the parents are friggin suck-ass-oholic. yes, we understand its a kids show, and kids being themselves are fussy with things around them. but that doesnt mean you put the blame on us just because your goddamn kid refuses to cooperate with what you have planned with them for the day. sorry the harsh language. but you have been harsh to us; the crews and that just means of giving you a taste of your own medicine. we schedule stuffs to be as nice and neatly as possible and you go ruin our day with your fucked-up attitude and language. sure enough i think children theatre production has to have a trail show thingy where you put the kid in there for a good 10 minutes with flickering lights and stupit scary irritating noises. if the kid can go through that with not much fuss, than we'll know if the kids are good to go for theatre shows, so that their parents wont try to argue over matters of their kids and be as idiotic as asking for a refund. if parents cant handle or calm their kids down it just shows how much a parent are you. and dont go blaming and pointing finger at us because your kid is being a __ and at the same time youre being a __ too and go saying we spoil your friggin day. screw your ass!

binget sak. nb ccb.

rainbow rush(:
Saturday, March 07, 2009

jon and kate plus 8.

i havent been feeling too well lately. always restless. mother thought it must be the weather. or its just myself. oh well. my usual morning television drive wouldnt be complete w/o watching either 'time wrap' from discovery channel or 'jon and kate plus 8' from discovery channel travel and living. oh! everyone SHOULD watch jon and kate plus 8! the kids are SOOO VERYYY THE ADORABLE!! in total there's 8 of them kids consisting of a sent of twins and at sextuplets. sextuplets? meaning giving birth to 6 at a go. got it?! awesome, and the introduction to every episodes they'll talk about how they cant have kids in the first place, but turned out they have more than expected! still, they're blessed with 8 wonderful adorable children, minus their crankiness. oh!oh! remember watch them! every week day at discovery travel and living, channel 16 from 11 to 12noon. i bet you'll go oooo..ahhh...so cute!hehe:D gonna be a long day tmr at ACM. till then!

the city is at war with you and me as the losers

rainbow rush(:
Thursday, March 05, 2009

starbucks night.

we're sitting way way too near the spinning fan thingy at starbucks. its killing the hell out of me. cold. with lind and hid as company, it never gets better. tomorrow, the act3 international briefing then starts the long FOH week. oh can't wait. still. i have dance assignment pending not touched. i don't even think of going there O.O
i need time out and much sleep.eyebags oh eyebags.

the start that has yet to come.

rainbow rush(:
Wednesday, March 04, 2009

it might just be the weather.

the weather hasn't been too good lately. raining with no dark clouds in the sky. thunder with the clear sign of the shining sun. awesome. and so the on-going anyhow weather affect the insides. fizikal dan mental. fizikally, its been cold and hot and cold. mentally, more to ponder. since we're having the two weeks tutorial break that doesn't mean we have no school during this period of time-_- attchment for FOH for act3 international will start by the end of the week, and we still have dance and theatre awareness make-up classes to attend. on the other hand, i think i need to settle issues with myself. im too much of a thinker i guess. how things tend to screw the hell out of me. i know i have to do something about this. but trying my best to be ignorant. can? nb ccb. i hate messes.

this is your time to think.

rainbow rush(:
Saturday, February 28, 2009

you've took me down the road too many times before.

feeling sorry for myself.i feel no good to be here.im just a shadow,at times just so visible you could only see that very part of me.you'll never know me like everyone does.i know i deserve more than smirks and whatever behind closed doors.

time will heal this.and we recover from the scars even how minor.

rainbow rush(:






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amicablyEstranged xoxo